Friday, October 15, 2021

Day 1 of Digital Fluency intensive

Today I learnt a few tips and tricks around Google drive. I learnt how to improve some systems to easily navigating through Google drive, which will improve my workflow. The priority section was not really an area I looked at, but I am going to give the workspaces a go. It seems like a really easy and quick way to access files that I use daily. So I’m going to try and set a few up for the different areas I teach in. 

Google groups is another platform that I want to try and use with my learners. Having a platform that can easily share important information without missing anyone can be hugely beneficial for the learners. Also having a space where the information is easily and conveniently stored/accessible would be great for rewindable learning, plus finding information that could take a while to find.

Today I created an exercise table with  video links to key points around technique and images to easily identify which exercise the video is focusing on!! I was trying to use some of the tips and tricks we learnt today. There’s still a lot I can implement, however I am pretty happy with how my table turned out. Just a couple of tweaks and I think it will be up and pumping!!!

I'm looking forward to sharing some of the tips I've learnt with my colleagues!!! 


  1. Tena koe Rikki,
    I agree, your exercise table looks great. I will be interested to hear how your learners find it.
    Google Groups are a great way to go. Do remember to include the 2021 year as once a group name is used it can't be reused.

    Ngā mihi,

  2. Kia ora Rikki,
    One of the things I love about the Google tools is that there are so many different ways to do things like organsing your files. I also am not a fan of the priority files, yet others love them! It's so great that you can personalise it to what suits you. Just a reminder with Google Groups, if you are using classroom based groups, these will be set up through Hāpara so you don't need to create new groups for learners in your class.

  3. Kia ora Rikki,
    It's always good when we can streamline our workflows by being organised and using tools to the max. Sounds like you have a few ways to do this already in DFI. Good luck with using priority files and Workspaces and I look forward to hearing how they work for you.


Day 8 Digital fluency

 Today we took a look into computational thinkning and how it could be relevant to our learning environment. There were a lot of really cool...